Are You Using An All Inclusive Course Fee?

Introducing a groundbreaking initiative that delivers required course materials to students as part of their tuition and fees.  By ensuring student access to all required course materials, All Inclusive drives engagement and academic success.  Students can experience enhanced affordability, as well!

All Inclusive Classes at ECC:

ACC 100 $107.00

ACC 200 $107.00

ACC 210 $107.00

ACC 221 $107.00

ACC225 $112.00

ACC240 $107.00

BUS 101 $94.00

BUS 105 $106.00

BUS 120 $73.00

BUS 142 $94.00

SCM 101 $106.00

SCM 105 $106.00 

To request an opt out of this program email Kelly Strossner at you are enrolled in one of the courses above, your digital book will be available via D2L.  Don't worry if digital is not the answer for you, you can purchase an optional print copy of your digital textbook.  Note:  The Bookstore only keeps 2-3 copies of each book above.  You may have to special order it.